Random musings, visionary ideas, deep pondering & an occasional touch of inspiration. Frequent topics include leadership development, technology, and my reactions to current events and political trends.
A matter of style
Pride, in the best sense of the word
Having just returned from the International General Assembly of the Church of God of Prophecy in Nashville, I left filled with pride, in the best since of that word. Our church has been an aging movement in transition for the past couple of decades, struggling with divisive issues of doctrine and polity, and this year it seems we may have finally moved beyond indecision and resistance to needed change.
It was such an encouraging, refreshing week that I left proud, for the first time in years, to be part of this church.
Growing pains are the best kind
Hawaii Graduations

Graduations in Hawaii are unlike anything anywhere else. My daughter, Tori, just graduated from high school. We have a home schooling network ministry that issues diploma, provides transcripts and produces a huge cap and gown ceremony. We had 13 grads this year, and a crowd of about 800 packed out Hope Chapel Kaneohe Bay for the event. Each of the grads had a 4 minute block of time to perform, and the talent displayed was awesome. After the ceremony there was a huge catered outdoor reception with lots of food, and the grads get heaps of beautiful flower lei and cards full of cash. In this picture Tori has only about 1/3 of the flowers she ended up with. The count was over 80, I think. It was an amazing night, and we were blessed with perfect weather, the nice folks at Hope Chapel were wonderful to us, and it was such a wonderful testimony to hear these 13 young adults honoring their parents, speaking well of their siblings and making the name of their Lord famous.
An early Birthday Gift of the best kind.

I received an email tonight from a young family in my congregation. The man grew up in a very traditional Baptist church and his young wife grew up Lutheran. They are now members of my church and He is really gifted and called to be in some form of Pastoral ministry. After our service this weekend, with an emphasis upon the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, Ryan & Julie sent this note. It took me a long time to read, since the tears kept blurring the words!
Blessed with favor, twice in one day!

God blesses people with favor. Favor with Him, and favor before men. Now and then things happen that reveal God's favor in my life in ways that just amaze me. Today it happened. Twice.