
A reminder of why we do what we do

I was in ROSS tonight picking up a belt. (I love it; I got it at ROSS — the commercial describes a lot of my wardrobe) I was not paying much attention to anyone else around me because, being a guy I don't really shop, I go like a man on a mission straight to the item I seek, walk to the nearest cashier, and pride myself on how quickly the mission was accomplished. But, I digress…

A guy stopped me dead in my tracks in the aisle… "Gary Langley!" He looked surprised and really happy to see me. I recognized him immediately, though it has been years since I last saw him. I met him when I was teaching a class at the Waiawa Correctional Center, a minimum security prison for offenders on the end of their sentences. He was incarcerated and was in my class. After his release he briefly attended my church but violated his probation by using some recreational narcotics. I lost track of him until tonight in ROSS.

He told me that he was four years, 3 months, 2 weeks and 3 days clean and sober. He has also been employed for seven years at the same company, is now married with kids and owns a condo. It made my night. Okay, it made my week. 

He expressed thanks for the small part I paid in helping him turn his life around. It reminded me, once again, of the power of Christ to transform a life filled with bad decisions, deliver people from addictions and redeem those we sometimes discard as lost causes. It also reminded me why we do what we do.

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." – Galatians 6:9 NIV

Posted via email from Kahu Gary


Hey Christians; it's almost EARTH DAY

I visited a really great mega-church in a major city. I enjoyed it a lot, actually, despite some of my personal reservations about mega-churches in general. It was a warm summer night, a mid-week service packed with more than 2,000 people and afterward they announced water baptism in a cluster of large above ground pools outside on the expansive grounds. It was appropriately celebratory and exciting to see almost 100 people baptized. They served ice cream treats and canned soft drinks to all in attendance — impressive!

When I emptied my can of soda I looked around for recycle bins and was surprised to find none. Thousands of recyclable aluminum cans were simply being tossed into garbage bags, bound for the dumpsters. The church demographic is diverse, but heavily weighted toward white, upper-middle-class professionals… people from whom I expected more environmental awareness and social conscience, but when I asked about recycle bins I got looks that made me feel as if I had asked a really stupid question.

In Hawaii, where I live, each of those estimated 3,000± aluminum cans would have been worth 5¢ at a recycling center, for a total of $150. Perhaps the church was just too upscale for $150 to be a sum worth the trouble, but — more than that — there just seemed to be a total indifference to the unspoken message sent by trashing recyclable cans.

How did this happen? How did the church, the embodiment of Christ on earth, become indifferent to and even hostile to environmentalism? You might be surprised to learn that the whole idea of celebrating an Earth Day was not born in a marijuana-fueled, Gaia-worshipping commune, but was initiated by a pentecostal minister, a descendent of one of the founders of the Assembly of God.

John McConnell, Jr., the Pentecostal founder of Earth Day, says, “If there had been no Christian experience in my life there would be no Earth Day – or at least I would not have initiated it. We love God… [and therefore should] have an appreciation for His creation.” In McConnell’s view, such an annual day of awareness provides an opportunity for Christians “to show the power of prayer, the validity of their charity and their practical concern for Earth’s life and people.”

Rather than dismissing Earth Day because some have co-opted it to advance a political agenda, we (the church) should be at the forefront redeeming the day for the glory of the creator! In practical terms, our churches should be leaders in reducing waste, reusing and recycling as part of our dominion over the earth. Dominion is not only control, but also protection and responsible governance. We are reaching out toward an environmentally conscious generation, and they are looking for leadership and example from us in the area of being good stewards of the earth.

More info?

Posted via email from Kahu Gary


A tech work-around just in time

I solved a tech dilemma tonight that has bugged me since Christmas. It was one of those things that seemed that it should be easy, but everyone told me, "I don't think that can be done." It can be done. I just did it.

I have used my MacBook Pro to make videos for a while, but the camera in my aging laptop is not very high resolution. My iPhone 4 shoots far better HD video. My wife got me a great Christmas gift: a Blue Yeti Professional USB microphone… simply excellent audio input to my MacBook. 

Blue Yeti Professional USB Microphone with 4 Polar Patterns and 3 Caps

The problem I faced was that I was now left me with a tough choice — less-than-excellent video with outstanding Yeti audio from the MacBook, or really crisp HD video shot on the iPhone, but very average audio from the iPhone's tiny built in mic. I don't like those kinds of production compromises when it would seem logical that there must be a way to use the better mic with the better video device. (The iPhone, of course, has no USB input capability.) 

Tonight I found a FREE Mac application called LineIn that solves the problem. (Did I mention that it is FREE?) The site from which  downloaded it — http://www.rogueamoeba.com/freebies/ — describes it this way:

"LineIn is a simple application for OS X to enable the soft playthru of audio from input devices. In simpler terms, you can use LineIn to play sound coming in through a microphone or any other device plugged in to your Sound In port, just as was once available with OS 9's "Play input through output device" option."

Now I can connect the Blue Yeti mic via USB to the MacBook Pro, cable connect the earphone jack of the MacBook to the earphone jack of the iPhone, and run LineIn. When ready to shoot video with the iPhone, I click the "Pass Thru" button and — PROBLEM SOLVED! The iPhone HD video records the audio from the Yeti mic, passed through the MacBook as if it served simply as a hub.


I'm shooting something this week that I will post later as an example.

Posted via email from Kahu Gary



I'm going to let you in on an amazing, and apparently well-kept, secret: America is not all one time zone. I know, that sounds crazy, right?
It must not be common knowledge, because people who live in the Eastern and Central time zones are notorious for posting television spoilers. As soon as someone is voted off the island, off of idol, or the final play of the big game is made, there's always some eager beaver who can't wait to jump on Facebook and ruin the experience for people who will not see the results for as much as 6 or 7 hours later.

The response, when called on it, is usually something to the effect of, "well, you should just stay off Facebook if you don't want to know!" Why? Why should we have to cut ourselves off from our primary source of relational networking because you can't just understand that the world is bigger than your time zone?

In the big picture of life, it doesn't amount to a hill of beans, of course, but if you were a reader of novels and every single time you encountered someone they told you the ending, it would start to get to you after a while.

Please… PLEASE, people who live east of me: enjoy Survivor, American Idol, the Amazing Race and major sporting events, and have the courtesy to allow your west coast friends to enjoy them also.

Posted via email from Kahu Gary


The Dirty Truth About Honoraria

"The way some Christian churches and other organizations pay their speakers, it makes me embarrassed to be a member of the same faith."

The Dirty Truth About Honoraria

John Stackhouse said it so well (and it needed to be said) that I am posting this link for your consideration and discussion.

Posted via email from Kahu Gary


The Ministry Development Process in Hawaii Church of God of Prophecy

Ministry Development Process.doc Download this file

Posted via email from Kahu Gary

The Ministry Development Process in Hawaii Church of God of Prophecy

The Ministry Development Process
in Hawaii Church of God of Prophecy

           In addition to the formal written expectations of the denomination, I have my own personal, unofficial criteria for endorsing candidates for ministry ordination that I believe to be equally or more important. These are some of the important elements in the process of obtaining ministry credentials & Ordination in the Hawaii Church of God of Prophecy.

The Church of God of Prophecy Requires this sequence:

           Affirmation: The local congregation recognizes the call of God upon the life of the candidate and formally sets him/her forth as an act of formal affirmation.

           Mentoring by senior leaders of the church (pastors, deacons, elders) typically takes place for a year in order to model service and commitment, and to give the candidate real world ministry experience.

           5 Book-based Foundations studies (with open-book exams) – Through the Center for Biblical Leadership the COGOP has developed a core curriculum intended to assure that ministry candidates have at least a basic understanding of scripture, the history of Christianity, and how the COGOP is contextualized within that history. The process of personal spiritual formation is introduced, as well as an understanding of the denomination’s doctrinal and operational values. The five books are:

1.    Introduction to the Bible:
Macintosh HD:Users:gary:Documents:COGOP ƒ:HMDC 2011:Foundations - Intro to the Bible.jpg

$9.99Available from http://www.whitewingbookstore.com/
Click “White Wing Books” link or order by phone

2.    Spiritual Formation
Macintosh HD:Users:gary:Documents:COGOP ƒ:HMDC 2011:Foundations - Spiritual Formation.jpg

$9.99Available from http://www.whitewingbookstore.com/
Click “White Wing Books” link or order by phone

3.    History of Christianity
Macintosh HD:Users:gary:Documents:COGOP ƒ:HMDC 2011:Foundations - History of Christianity.jpg

$17.99Available from http://www.whitewingbookstore.com/
Click “White Wing Books” link or order by phone

4.    COGOP History, Polity, Doctrine and Future
Macintosh HD:Users:gary:Documents:COGOP ƒ:HMDC 2011:Foundations - 4 COGOP.jpg

$13.99Available from http://www.whitewingbookstore.com/
Click “White Wing Books” link or order by phone

5.    Ministry Policy Manual
Available as FREE PDF download.

Ministry Review Board:

           Upon successful completion of the five required books, the State/National Overseer will schedule a Ministry Review Board meeting. This board of seasoned elders will question the candidate to discern his/her level of readiness for credentialed ministry. The process is intended to be open-ended and individualized, and it is not an exam for which one can study or prepare. Candidates should be prepared to candidly answer personal questions about family, finances, and issues of personal integrity as well as theological and COGOP polity matters.

Written Application:
           The Ministry Review Board will discuss the candidate’s interview and make a formal, written response. That response could be rejection for cause, a suggestion that the candidate needs additional mentoring or training before approval, or an immediate approval. Once the Ministry Review Board affirms the candidate, his/her Written Application is signed by the Board, the Overseer and sent to the office of the Area Presbyter. After the Presbyter’s signature is obtained the application is forwarded to the International Offices of the Church of God of Prophecy in Cleveland, Tennessee. A PDF is available for download: Application for the Ministerial License

Ordination & Credentials:
           Formal Ordination & ministry credentials are the goal in this process. When the Overseer’s office receives the newly issued ministry credentials from the International Offices, a formal Ordination ceremony will be held at which the candidate will be Ordained by the laying on of hands and a Minister’s Certificate will be issued. From that point the candidate’s status changes to that of a fully Ordained Minister of the Gospel under the auspices of the Church of God of Prophecy.

Personal Spiritual Formation:
           Although not a part of the stated official COGOP process, it is presumed that the ministry candidate will be actively engaged in a process of Personal Spiritual Formation. Such a spiritual formation process will be evident when demonstrated in a consistent prayer life, a regular practice of reading and studying the Bible, active engagement in a small group for mutual accountability, enthusiastic participation in the corporate worship gatherings of the church and deep reflection. It is recommended that candidates engage in some form of written reflective process such as journaling or blogging. One popular method of Bible Study connected with journaling is the S.O.A.P. method. (Scripture, Observation, Application & Prayer).

Selfless Service

            A Life of Selfless Service should be the norm… should be a part of the candidates spiritual DNA. We have an informal saying: “BAM!” that means, “I will outserve you BY A MILE!” We do not see extraordinary service as extraordinary at all; it is the baseline level for everyone in leadership. We remember that Jesus taught that, So you want first place? Then take the last place. Be the servant of all.” (Mark 9:35, The Message) Candidates are to be actively, consistently volunteering to do the unseen for the unthankful with no expectation of reward or recognition. Candidates should be the kind of servant-hearted leaders who do not wait to be asked, but rather seek opportunities to serve others within the church and the surrounding community.

Theological Education
           The days of the uneducated minister are in the past. With the ubiquitous access to information we enjoy today comes a responsibility to take advantage of that access. Some formal Theological education should be pursued to the extent possible, because we must be equipped before we can equip others. It is expected that all candidates for ministry will maintain a lifelong learning posture beginning with ongoing self-education… reading and reflecting. If you do not have access to a serious library of theological books, and cannot afford to purchase them, you might arrange to borrow books from the extensive library of the Overseer of Hawaii.
           Candidates should avail themselves of courses offered through the Hawaii Ministry Development Center, make attendance at Hawaiian Islands Ministries’ Annual Honolulu Conference & Seminars a priority, and explore opportunities to attend Bible College or Seminary.

Stewardship & Accountability
           Finally, candidates for ministry should set the example in faithful attendance, faithful participation, faithful stewardship (tithing & giving) and faithful reporting.

           May God richly bless you for your obedience to his call.

Posted via email from Kahu Gary

Clarifying the ministry credential process

In addition to the written expectations of the denomination, I have my own personal, unofficial criteria for endorsing candidates for ministry ordination. 


Important elements in the process of obtaining Ministry credentials & Ordination in the Hawaii Church of God of Prophecy
    • Personal Spiritual Formation should be demonstrated in 
    • Prayer
    • Bible study
    • Small group participation
    • Worship
    • Reflection/Journaling/Blog
    • The COGOP Requires this sequence
    • Affirmation: set forth by local church
    • Mentoring by senior leaders
    • 5 Book-based studies (with open-book exams)
    1. The Bible
    2. Spiritual Formation
    3. History of Christianity
    4. COGOP History, Polity, Doctrine and Future
    5. Ministry Policy Manual
  1. State/National Ministry Review Board Approval
  2. Application, to be approved by Review Board, Overseer and Area Presbyter
  3. Formal Ordination & credentials
  4. A Life of Selfless Service should be the norm
    • Actively, consistently volunteering to do the unseen for the unthankful
    • Community involvement
  5. Some formal Theological Education should be pursued to the extent possible
    • Lifelong learning posture
    • Self-education (Reading, reflecting)
    • Hawaii Ministry Development Center Courses
    • Hawaiian Islands Ministries Annual Conference/Seminars
    • Bible College, Seminary
  6. Stewardship & Accountability: candidates should set the example in
    • Faithful attendance
    • Faithful participation
    • Faithful stewardship (Tithing & Giving)
    • Faithful reporting

Posted via email from Kahu Gary



No… I am not furious; that's the name of a really nice new worship song:

Artist: Bethel Live
Album: Be Lifted High
Review: http://bit.ly/ibR0QA
Purchase: http://bit.ly/hMJwNd

Led by Jeremy Riddle

Photos from: http://bit.ly/eCO6sz. Amazing shots!

Lyrics: (Jeremy Riddle, © BETHEL MUSIC)

Nothing can tear us from
The grip of His mighty love
We've only glimpsed, His vast affection
Heard whispers of, His heart and

It's pouring down...
His love is deep, His love is wide
And it covers us

His love is fierce, His love is strong
It is furious
His love is sweet, His love is wild

And its waking hearts to life
The Father loves and sends His son
The Son lays down His life for all
He lavishes His love upon us
He calls us now, His sons and daughters
He's reaching out...

... and its waking hearts to life
He is waking hearts to life
He is waking hearts to life

(…and here is the story behind the song…)

Posted via email from Kahu Gary

My Dental recommendation

Few people enjoy going to the dentist, but having a good dentist reduces the anxiety. I have recommended Dr. Steve Kumasaka to dozens of people, and they have all told me "THANKS!"


The office is next door to the Kaneohe Hawaii Post Office... not fancy at all... just below 808 Tattoo. Great cosmetic and family dentistry, and a Mac user, too!

Posted via email from Kahu Gary

Happy 35th birthday to Apple, Inc.

Classic Apple logo cake
"It's no joke: Apple Inc. turns 35 today.
On April 1, 1976, Steve JobsSteve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne (who 12 days later sold his share of the startup for a meager US$2,300) founded Apple Computer. As a newborn, Apple intended to sell low-cost, hand-manufactured microcomputer components to fellow members of the localHomebrew Computer Club."

Posted via email from Kahu Gary

Is Twitter for Everybody? (businessesgrow.com)