
So close!

Under two pounds now until my first goal weight.

Posted via email from Formerly Fat


Hawaii Voters – Please remember in November

Here are the people who need to file for unemployment. They are the members of the Hawaii House of Representatives who ignored the expressed will of the electorate and pulled a Pearl Harbor style sneak attack in the final hours of the Legislative Session, Passing HB444, the Civil Unions bill. Keep this list handy. If any of these people are from your area, please vote for anyone with a pulse who runs against them.


Della Au Belatti

25th Representative District

Hawaii State Capitol, Room 331

415 South Beretania Street

Honolulu, HI 96813

Phone 808-586-9425; fax 808-586-9431

email repbelatti@Capitol.hawaii.gov


Lyla B. Berg

18th Representative District

Hawaii State Capitol, Room 324

415 South Beretania Street

Honolulu, HI 96813

Phone 808-586-6510; fax 808-586-6511

email repberg@Capitol.hawaii.gov


Joe Bertram, III

11th Representative District

Hawaii State Capitol, Room 311

415 South Beretania Street

Honolulu, HI 96813

phone 808-586-8525; fax 808-586-8529

From Maui, toll free 984-2400 + 68525

e-mail repbertram@Capitol.hawaii.gov


Tom Brower

23rd Representative District

Hawaii State Capitol, Room 315

415 South Beretania Street

Honolulu, HI 96813

phone 808-586-8520; fax 808-586-8524

E-mail repbrower@Capitol.hawaii.gov


Rida Cabanilla

42nd Representative District

Hawaii State Capitol, Room 442

415 South Beretania Street

Honolulu, HI 96813

phone 808-586-6080; fax 808-586-6081

E-mail repcabanilla@Capitol.hawaii.gov


Mele Carroll

13th Representative District

Hawaii State Capitol, Room 405

415 South Beretania Street

Honolulu, HI 96813

Phone 808-586-6790; fax 808-586-6779

From Maui, toll free 984-2400 + 66790

From Molokai and Lanai,

toll free 1-800-468-4644 + 66790

E-mail repcarroll@Capitol.hawaii.gov


Pono Chong

49th Representative District

Hawaii State Capitol, Room 404

415 South Beretania Street

Honolulu, HI 96813

phone 808-586-9490; fax 808-586-9496

E-mail repchong@Capitol.hawaii.gov


Denny Coffman

6th Representative District

Hawaii State Capitol, Room 317

415 South Beretania Street

Honolulu, HI 96813

phone 808-586-9605; fax 808-586-9608

E-mail repcoffman@capitol.hawaii.gov


Faye P. Hanohano

4th Representative District

Hawaii State Capitol, Room 303

415 South Beretania Street

Honolulu, HI 96813

phone 808-586-6530; fax 808-586-6531

From the Big Island, toll free 974-4000 + 66530

E-mail rephanohano@Capitol.hawaii.gov


Robert N. Herkes

5th Representative District

Hawaii State Capitol, Room 320

415 South Beretania Street

Honolulu, HI 96813

phone 808-586-8400; fax 808-586-8404

From the Big Island, toll free 974-4000 + 68400

E-mail repherkes@Capitol.hawaii.gov


Jon Riki Karamatsu

41st Representative District

Posted via email from Kahu Gary's posterous


Turning 11, Pushing 60

Today is April 27, 2010 -- a milestone day for my Compassion sponsored child, Felma. I sent her Birthday Cards weeks ago, and arranged for a gift to be purchased for her, but I wish I could be in Davao to sing "Happy Birthday" to her and give her a hug.

She's an adorable kid. I told people that I thought I won the sponsored child lottery when I met her. I pray for her often, think of her often, and have incredible hopes and dreams for her future. She is young, and poor, and has no easy access to a computer or internet access. It is unlikely that she will see this, at least any time soon. But when she is released from poverty, educated and financially secure, she may have her own computer and she may be able to discover this post from her past. I want her to know that her sponsor loved her, worried about her welfare, and supported her dreams.

Happy Birthday, dear Felma. May your 11th year be your best year so far.

I have her birthday on my mind as I ponder my own pending birthday. On May 19 I will turn 60. Sixty. SIX-OH. It sounds implausible… impossible to me that I will be sixty in three weeks. I don't feel sixty, but when I look in the mirror I see a face staring back at me that I hardly recognize. Sixty. In three weeks. Wow.

Posted via email from Kahu Gary's posterous


2 Pounds to go!

The goal is in sight... so very close. Just two more pounds til I hit my 180 target! You can do it, too.

Posted via email from Formerly Fat

Almost there!

My goal was to lose down to 180, and I am only 2.4 pounds from reaching that goal! Once I hit it, I'll set a new goal of 170-175 range. I feel better without lugging around basically the weight of a heavy bowling ball, most of which was in my gut.

Posted via email from Formerly Fat


Not as bad as I feared

After 2 weeks in Korea, eating what was served to me, I really worried that I had gained all my weight back. After resuming my treadmill habit today I weighed in and... TA-DA!... only 1.7 pounds gained!

Posted via email from Formerly Fat


The effect of the American Diet?

Michelangelo's David...

…after eating the American diet for a couple of years.

Posted via email from Formerly Fat


Land of the Morning Calm? Really?

I am in Korea, which, I am told, is the Land of the Morning Calm.

That name is either meant to be irony, or it was given by someone who has never been to Korea. Koreans get up early. Really, really early. It seems to be part of the national DNA. They get up early, I am told to pray. This is a practice near and dear to Korean Christians' hearts, but I learned this week that the practice predates Christianity as a Korean tradition. In any case, churches, mountains and pretty much all of Korea stir very early and go to prayer at about 5:00 AM. Koreans, in case you are unaware, are a fervent and vocal people, and they pray with great vigor… and great volume. At 5:00 AM.

I am — for those of you who are unfamiliar — very much a night person. If my clocks even HAVE a 5:00 AM I am totally unaware of it, having almost never actually experienced a 5:00 AM.

Morning Calm. Maybe somewhere, but not in Korea.

Posted via email from Kahu Gary's posterous


Eye-opening international perspectives

I am in a class with a very diverse international group of students. They come from all across Asia… India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Myanmar… many of them from Muslim-dominant nations. I have listened today to hours of those students expressing their world-views in regards to Islamic fundamentalism, America and our American leadership.

It has been an eye-opener.

There is pretty much universally a view among them that the election of Obama as U.S. President was celebrated in their nations as a major victory among the Islamic citizens of their nations with dancing in the streets. BHO has been referred to in those countries as Mubarrack Hussein Obama.

It has been sobering and a bit frightening to hear them express their hearts.

Posted via email from Kahu Gary's posterous


Pre-Korea weigh-in

Down another pound+!

Gary Langley

Posted via email from Formerly Fat