
Why abortion is a deal-breaker

One of the major points of controversy in the proposed national healthcare upheaval is the matter of abortion. Liberals ultimately demand abortion on demand, at any time, for any reason. Conservatives -(REAL conservatives, not Republicans who work the electorate to the right and then vote left)- see abortion as a non-negotiable moral issue, and can't understand how anyone could entertain compromise on such a matter.

This article says that "Twice now, abortion was almost a dealbreaker." http://apnews.myway.com/article/20091222/D9CO403G0.html

Since I have a very eclectic collection of friends, including liberals, Democrats, and a smattering of atheists and agnostics, I have been asked "Why is abortion such a deal-breaker for you?" I'll try to explain it.

Abortion opponents like to show pictures of unborn/pre-born babies in utero to show the humanness... little fingers and toes and beating hearts, and that is a major issue. If one believes that life begins at conception, rather than at birth, there's little difference between ending the life of a fetus at 5 months or a 5 month-old baby. 

But I think there's a huge elephant in the room that nobody likes to mention. My liberal friends refer to abortion as a "women's issue," but it's not an issue for any of the women in my immediate circle of friends. It's an issue for liberal women; dare I say, it's an issue for promiscuous women. 

Women who remain virgins until marriage, and then remain faithful to their husband for life are not out campaigning in favor of abortion on demand. It is women who are sexually active before marriage, and outside of marriage, who are the vocal advocates of abortion. (Let me pause while some of you regain your composure and pick your jaw up off the floor; believe it or not, there are, indeed, women who walk down the aisle in a well-deserved white bridal gown, have their first sexual experience on their honeymoon, and live in faithful commitment to one man for life. There are men who are equally innocent and faithful.)

The availability of abortion reduces the imperative to remain sexually innocent, because the consequences of pre- and extra-marital sex are provided a failsafe. For those of us who believe in a God who demands that we live within parameters of conduct he has clearly defined, we also believe that their are laws governing our behavior. Just as surely as Newton's Third Law of Motion demands that "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction," God's Law demands that sin has consequences. There are natural, human consequences that we suffer in our bodies, and eternal consequences if the sin is not covered by the blood of Jesus Christ. \

Abortion is an attempt to by-pass one consequence of sin by burying the evidence.

Posted via email from Kahu Gary's posterous

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