
Turning 11, Pushing 60

Today is April 27, 2010 -- a milestone day for my Compassion sponsored child, Felma. I sent her Birthday Cards weeks ago, and arranged for a gift to be purchased for her, but I wish I could be in Davao to sing "Happy Birthday" to her and give her a hug.

She's an adorable kid. I told people that I thought I won the sponsored child lottery when I met her. I pray for her often, think of her often, and have incredible hopes and dreams for her future. She is young, and poor, and has no easy access to a computer or internet access. It is unlikely that she will see this, at least any time soon. But when she is released from poverty, educated and financially secure, she may have her own computer and she may be able to discover this post from her past. I want her to know that her sponsor loved her, worried about her welfare, and supported her dreams.

Happy Birthday, dear Felma. May your 11th year be your best year so far.

I have her birthday on my mind as I ponder my own pending birthday. On May 19 I will turn 60. Sixty. SIX-OH. It sounds implausible… impossible to me that I will be sixty in three weeks. I don't feel sixty, but when I look in the mirror I see a face staring back at me that I hardly recognize. Sixty. In three weeks. Wow.

Posted via email from Kahu Gary's posterous

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