During one section of the morning he dealt with the concept of
Four Quadrant Leadership.
While all of us have elements of each of the four in our makeup, we tend to have one dominant and one secondary characteristic style of leadership. I believe a well-balanced church needs some people dominant in each of the four areas in leadership
• Heroic Leadership:
Vision Oriented, Passion and energy are key drivers, Focus and personal drive, Motivated more by the future state than the present situation.
VISION CASTING: Where are we going?
• Heart Leadership:
Relationally oriented, Community is critically important, Passion Driven, Love/Care/Nurturing is part of their make-up, Meaning and Purpose are important
VISION CASTING: Why are we going there?
• Head Leadership:
Structure, Policy, Guidelines/Rules, Analytical thinking ability, Disciplined approach in everything, Planning orientation
VISION CASTING: What is the specific plan for getting there?
• Hands Leadership:
Gets things done, Drives others to get things done, Accomplishes tasks for satisfaction, Timeline oriented, Evaluates others purely by their ability to get things done.
VISION CASTING: What part do I play?
In our weekly Pastoral Staff Meeting we spent some time identifying our own dominant and secondary quadrants, and how they interacted with people from the other quadrants.
For example, following a church meeting 50 chairs must be stacked and stored. The HANDS leader sets immediately to work stacking chairs and recruiting chair stackers. The HEAD leader gets frustrated because there seems to be no organized stacking system or plan. The HEROIC leader doesn't care about the chair stacking, because he is thinking about the day when there will be 500 chairs to stack. The HEART leader is not stacking chairs -- he is over in the corner listening to someone who had their feeling hurt and needs encouragement.
HANDS is frustrated with HEART because heart is not working on the task at hand. HEART can't figure how HANDS can be stacking chairs when it is obvious that there's something more important needing attention -- a hurting person. HEAD is going crazy over the random, chaotic stacking with no plan. HEROIC sees the whole chair stacking exercise as just training for bigger and better things in the future, and keeps talking about what a great 'problem' it will be to stack and store hundreds of chairs.
My staff and I identified that I am HEROIC dominant and HEART secondary. What kind are you?
Torn between Heart and Hand....and heroic would play a close second for me.
I would have to say hand and heart. Is that possible!? Hope so b/c that is where I most relate.
Bethany, Hand & Heart are actually a WONDERFUL combination. Any combo of the four is possible, and there are subtle permutations of combinations of one dominant + 2 subordinate. I would agree you are heavy on HEART.
(So wonderful to see you here. My aloha to Nathan and Jaxon.)
Kahu, I am a dominant heart, secondary hand. I always look for the need along the way, to show those in need the heart of Christ. But, as a leader, I naturally desire to see others taking up the task. Actually, I had was asked my pastor's right hand man to oversee the chair stacking this past Sunday! And yes, I went crazy recruiting.
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