
Got a spare $53,760 I can have?

I have been accepted in the Master of Arts in Global Leadership program at Fuller Theological Seminary, and I did the math today. That degree will end up costing more that $53,760 and that doesn't factor in books and several trips to the Pasadena campus.

It will be worth it.

One of my dreams and desires of my heart has been to complete the education that got interrupted by a little vacation in sunny Vietnam. It would have remained only an unrequieted dream had it not been for a wonderful man who has been an example of leadership excellence, an informal mentor, a friend and great encourager:

Dr. Dan Chun, Senior Pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Honolulu and, with his wife, Pam, founder of Hawaiian Island Ministries. Dan is a Fuller Trustee, and has been responsible for encouraging and equipping so many Pastors and leaders in the churches of Hawaii.

Thanks, Dan. (I hope to make you proud!)

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