Random musings, visionary ideas, deep pondering & an occasional touch of inspiration. Frequent topics include leadership development, technology, and my reactions to current events and political trends.
Honolulu 2010 • The HIM Conference
Pleasantly plump isn't so pleasant
A couple of months ago I bought a treadmill and was horrified when the programmed workout for beginners was way too difficult for me! I was determined, so I kept at it, working up from a few short minutes of slow walking to the point where I can handle the beginners series of programmed workouts without having to slow the machine down or decrease the incline. I am not running yet, but my endurance, strength and general fitness is greatly improved. Alas, I still hovered around the 200 pound mark, despite the increased exercise. My friend Ron, meanwhile, had lost a lot of weight. He started out with more weight than me, and was a little shorter in height, and I was hearing weight loss numbers like 40, 50 and 60 pounds! I learned that he was being coached by our mutual friend, Jan, so I asked for her help. She has started to assist me with my efforts to lose weight and I have been documenting it at http://kahugary.posterous.com/ When I weigh in next week, I'll post an actual, not-Photoshopped photo of the number on the scales. You and I will see whether the plan has resulted in any weight loss. Ron and I will be hoping to offer encouragement, advice and inspiration for those of you who choose to join us on this journey to eat healthier, feel better, fit into your skinny clothes and live longer. We'll try to get Jan to add her experience and wisdom along the way. Get started and join us as we become the FORMERLY FAT!
Day 3 breakfast • 2 eggs & ham
Day 2 • Weight Loss
Healthy lunch
Weight-loss weigh in • Day 1

Well, here's the starting point. 199.8 is the official weight on the morning of day 1. In two weeks I will weigh in again and post the photo so I can see if I have actually lost weight and, if so, how much… and you'll see it right along with me!
Let the weight loss begin
Day One of the cleansing phase of losing weight will begin Monday, January 25, 2010, if I can ever make it to bed from Sunday so I can start my Monday with rest!
Since so many people today expressed an interest in how I plan to do it, I am posting a summary. It is a modified South Beach plan.
The first 2 weeks is designed to break the addiction to a diet filled with sugar and carbs. Eat nothing from a box, bag, or can. (If it wasn't a food a hundred year ago, it's not a food today!) Fresh, or fresh frozen veggies and lean meats are the key.
You will probably actually eat MORE than usual and stay full all day, but lose weight. You will eat breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, mid-afternoon snack, and dinner.
1. Eat breakfast within 30 minutes of rising to kickstart your metabolism. Do not skip breakfast!
2. Eat lean meats, fresh or fresh frozen vegetables, and salads.
3. For this first 2 weeks, it’s pretty much NO WHITE FOOD. No flour (bread, pasta, pancakes, etc.), no sugar (no soda, no FRUITS, no carrots, corn or milk products), no rice, no potatoes.
4. Double your daily water intake.
Do weights, or any kind of resistance exercise along with cardio.
For breakfast, eat eggs and lean breakfast meat. Water/coffee/tea (no cream and sugar!)/V-8 juice are okay, but no sweet fruit juices!
Snacks: Handful of unsalted almonds, peanut butter on celery, piece of ham or turkey rolled with some low-fat cheese are typical.
Lunch: Fresh salad can include lean meat (like a chicken or tuna salad). NO croutons! Or lean meat (like a boneless, skinless chicken breast on the George Forman grill) and fresh veggies.
Afternoon snack – same options as mid-morning.
Dinner: similar to lunch.
Portion control, points and calorie counting are not the issue with this… the idea is to eat every two hours or so, before you get hungry, and keep your metabolism high. Your body will adjust to never being hungry by starting to burn instead of store fat.
Don’t eat after dinner! Night snacking is a diet-killer.
I will weigh in Monday morning to get a baseline weight, and will not get back on the scales for 14 days, at which time I will report honestly whether I have, in fact, lost weight, and, if so, how much.