
The Ministry Development Process in Hawaii Church of God of Prophecy

The Ministry Development Process
in Hawaii Church of God of Prophecy

           In addition to the formal written expectations of the denomination, I have my own personal, unofficial criteria for endorsing candidates for ministry ordination that I believe to be equally or more important. These are some of the important elements in the process of obtaining ministry credentials & Ordination in the Hawaii Church of God of Prophecy.

The Church of God of Prophecy Requires this sequence:

           Affirmation: The local congregation recognizes the call of God upon the life of the candidate and formally sets him/her forth as an act of formal affirmation.

           Mentoring by senior leaders of the church (pastors, deacons, elders) typically takes place for a year in order to model service and commitment, and to give the candidate real world ministry experience.

           5 Book-based Foundations studies (with open-book exams) – Through the Center for Biblical Leadership the COGOP has developed a core curriculum intended to assure that ministry candidates have at least a basic understanding of scripture, the history of Christianity, and how the COGOP is contextualized within that history. The process of personal spiritual formation is introduced, as well as an understanding of the denomination’s doctrinal and operational values. The five books are:

1.    Introduction to the Bible:
Macintosh HD:Users:gary:Documents:COGOP ƒ:HMDC 2011:Foundations - Intro to the Bible.jpg

$9.99Available from http://www.whitewingbookstore.com/
Click “White Wing Books” link or order by phone

2.    Spiritual Formation
Macintosh HD:Users:gary:Documents:COGOP ƒ:HMDC 2011:Foundations - Spiritual Formation.jpg

$9.99Available from http://www.whitewingbookstore.com/
Click “White Wing Books” link or order by phone

3.    History of Christianity
Macintosh HD:Users:gary:Documents:COGOP ƒ:HMDC 2011:Foundations - History of Christianity.jpg

$17.99Available from http://www.whitewingbookstore.com/
Click “White Wing Books” link or order by phone

4.    COGOP History, Polity, Doctrine and Future
Macintosh HD:Users:gary:Documents:COGOP ƒ:HMDC 2011:Foundations - 4 COGOP.jpg

$13.99Available from http://www.whitewingbookstore.com/
Click “White Wing Books” link or order by phone

5.    Ministry Policy Manual
Available as FREE PDF download.

Ministry Review Board:

           Upon successful completion of the five required books, the State/National Overseer will schedule a Ministry Review Board meeting. This board of seasoned elders will question the candidate to discern his/her level of readiness for credentialed ministry. The process is intended to be open-ended and individualized, and it is not an exam for which one can study or prepare. Candidates should be prepared to candidly answer personal questions about family, finances, and issues of personal integrity as well as theological and COGOP polity matters.

Written Application:
           The Ministry Review Board will discuss the candidate’s interview and make a formal, written response. That response could be rejection for cause, a suggestion that the candidate needs additional mentoring or training before approval, or an immediate approval. Once the Ministry Review Board affirms the candidate, his/her Written Application is signed by the Board, the Overseer and sent to the office of the Area Presbyter. After the Presbyter’s signature is obtained the application is forwarded to the International Offices of the Church of God of Prophecy in Cleveland, Tennessee. A PDF is available for download: Application for the Ministerial License

Ordination & Credentials:
           Formal Ordination & ministry credentials are the goal in this process. When the Overseer’s office receives the newly issued ministry credentials from the International Offices, a formal Ordination ceremony will be held at which the candidate will be Ordained by the laying on of hands and a Minister’s Certificate will be issued. From that point the candidate’s status changes to that of a fully Ordained Minister of the Gospel under the auspices of the Church of God of Prophecy.

Personal Spiritual Formation:
           Although not a part of the stated official COGOP process, it is presumed that the ministry candidate will be actively engaged in a process of Personal Spiritual Formation. Such a spiritual formation process will be evident when demonstrated in a consistent prayer life, a regular practice of reading and studying the Bible, active engagement in a small group for mutual accountability, enthusiastic participation in the corporate worship gatherings of the church and deep reflection. It is recommended that candidates engage in some form of written reflective process such as journaling or blogging. One popular method of Bible Study connected with journaling is the S.O.A.P. method. (Scripture, Observation, Application & Prayer).

Selfless Service

            A Life of Selfless Service should be the norm… should be a part of the candidates spiritual DNA. We have an informal saying: “BAM!” that means, “I will outserve you BY A MILE!” We do not see extraordinary service as extraordinary at all; it is the baseline level for everyone in leadership. We remember that Jesus taught that, So you want first place? Then take the last place. Be the servant of all.” (Mark 9:35, The Message) Candidates are to be actively, consistently volunteering to do the unseen for the unthankful with no expectation of reward or recognition. Candidates should be the kind of servant-hearted leaders who do not wait to be asked, but rather seek opportunities to serve others within the church and the surrounding community.

Theological Education
           The days of the uneducated minister are in the past. With the ubiquitous access to information we enjoy today comes a responsibility to take advantage of that access. Some formal Theological education should be pursued to the extent possible, because we must be equipped before we can equip others. It is expected that all candidates for ministry will maintain a lifelong learning posture beginning with ongoing self-education… reading and reflecting. If you do not have access to a serious library of theological books, and cannot afford to purchase them, you might arrange to borrow books from the extensive library of the Overseer of Hawaii.
           Candidates should avail themselves of courses offered through the Hawaii Ministry Development Center, make attendance at Hawaiian Islands Ministries’ Annual Honolulu Conference & Seminars a priority, and explore opportunities to attend Bible College or Seminary.

Stewardship & Accountability
           Finally, candidates for ministry should set the example in faithful attendance, faithful participation, faithful stewardship (tithing & giving) and faithful reporting.

           May God richly bless you for your obedience to his call.

Posted via email from Kahu Gary

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