
Dear Apple - what this user would like

I am a Mac fan. Big time. I use a MacBook Pro, an iPad2 and an iPhone4 and I love them all. That doesn't mean I never see things that could be better. Here are a few things I would love to see:

  • The predictive text/auto-correct on the iPhone lacks one really simple, critical feature... the ability to learn or a user-definable dictionary. My last name is Langley. My iPhone wants to change that to LARGELY. Ever single time. I live in Hawaii, and can't begin to tell you how many Hawaiian words and place names the iPhone tried to "correct." It's a daily annoyance that seems easily fixable.
  • Apple is an international company, selling iPhones all around the world. Those of us who travel would love for Apple to redefine mobile phone service the way you have redefined so many other areas of digital life; we would love to be able to travel the world without bricking our phones out of fear of a bill the size of the national debt. Seriously -- it is 2011. We should be able to travel the world and use our phones, data plans, text messaging and other services seamlessly and without outrageous charges. I love being able to use FaceTime over WiFi internationally, but would love to have access to my normal phone services no matter where I am on the planet. If any company can redefine international telecom plans, it is Apple. Soon, please.
  • I am filled with doubts about the coming announcement of the iCloud services, partially because of the issue just mentioned -- how will I be able to access my music and media files when I am outside the U.S. when I can't even afford text messaging overseas? Besides, if iCloud is as clumsy as me.com, it is doomed. Just compare iDisk to Dropbox for an example. 

Posted via email from Kahu Gary

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