
Clash of anointings?

Several things have taken place lately to cause me to ponder if there could a clash of anointings, or could it be less spiritual and just be a clash of personalities?

Are there people who just rub you the wrong way? Every encounter becomes a confrontation, even when you go into it hoping this time will be different. Having spent a lot of my life as a professional salesman, I became pretty adept at the art of making friends, being passably agreeable and avoiding offending people.  It is not so much a need to be liked as it is a desire to find common ground and build bridges, and yet, despite that, there are some people who just will not allow the first brick to be built toward a bridge.

But many of them are blood-bought, redeemed children of the Living God, and we will spend eternity in His presence together. It would be wonderful if we could learn to live together here first.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brother, I know what your talking about. I've been wondering about that as well. Not sure it's anything more than personality conflicts, but I long for the day when we can all just get along. Hopefully we won't have to wait until we are in HIS presence before it happens.