
Selective marketing or political activism?

Today in America, about 75% of adults identify themselves as Christians.(religioustolerance.org) About 3.8% of Americans identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. (Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law)  — three point eight percent… less than 4 out of 100. So if we can accept these statistics as roughly correct within a margin of error, there are almost 20 times more Christians in the United States than homosexuals.

It strikes me as odd, then, that my airline of choice, Delta, has an entire section of their website set aside to market to the 9 million American gays (www.delta.com/gaytravel) but NO section of their website targets the 230 million Americans who self-identify as Christians. Is it selective marketing? If so, it is industrial strength stupid, and Jackie Yeaney, Managing Director, Consumer Marketing, Delta Airlines should seriously reconsider those priorities.

I love your airline, Jackie, and fly Delta whenever possible, but it does bother me a bit that you engage in activist economics and use my loyalty to support causes I don't espouse, while ignoring an exponentially larger segment of your potential market.

I went to www.delta.com/christiantravel but “The requested page could not be found on delta.com” — yeah… I didn't think so.

Posted via email from Kahu Gary

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